Tag Archives: Nook

I am anxiously awaiting my digital copy of Ever After to land on my Nook on release day.

Kim Harrison

The last couple of months I’ve been so disgusted with fb that I’ve been actively looking for a new reader outreach platform, and I think I might have found something that will work in conjunction with my blog. (If you’re not aware of it, fb posts do not go to everyone who has asked to see them, even if you have clicked every button and added them to your interests list. They are sent to a percentage based on how many likes, comments, and links a post gets, so cute pictures of cats usually reach twice as many people as a post about a change in the tour or a Manic Monday. Unless of course I pay to increase that percentage. So not happy.)

So . . . I’ve been looking, and I will be developing a couple of boards over at pinetrest. If you are there already, I’m at…

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To E-Read or not to E-Read……

Blanche Walsh as Juliet, with her NOOK Color e...

Blanche Walsh as Juliet, with her NOOK Color eReader (Photo credit: Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com)

My wonderful husband bought me a Nook a couple of years ago. I wasn’t sure if I would like reading books in this form, but I was pleasantly surprised! I love the fact that I can carry around over 300 books in my bag and it doesn’t weigh a ton! I am guilty of buying books for my Nook that I already have in hard copy. I’m also addicted to Nook’s Free Fridays selections. Most of those 300+ books are from Free Fridays. I have come across some great free books…….and some not so great. The best thing about Free Fridays is that if you don’t like the book, you’re not out a penny! I also like that if I fall asleep reading I don’t lose my place. I can’t tell you the number of times that has happened. Then I’m frantically trying to remember the last thing I read to find my place. I have since upgraded to the Nook Tablet, which has brought a new level to my e-reading (real time magazine content, oh joy and rapture!). All in all, having the Nook has opened a whole new addition to my book addiction. And as I tell my husband, I could have a worse addiction!

And it seems my addiction is hereditary! My 2-year-old is sitting next to me reading a book on her Nabi tablet. Or more to the point the tablet is reading the book to her. I think this is a wonderful thing on the tablets geared towards children. With as much as she wants me to read to her, I would not have a voice if it weren’t for this little piece of technology.  My 11-year-old, however, has a Kindle Fire and has not downloaded one book! To her credit though, she does have a bookcase full of books. So this is a step in the right direction 🙂






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