Tag Archives: Amazon Kindle

To E-Read or not to E-Read……

Blanche Walsh as Juliet, with her NOOK Color e...

Blanche Walsh as Juliet, with her NOOK Color eReader (Photo credit: Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com)

My wonderful husband bought me a Nook a couple of years ago. I wasn’t sure if I would like reading books in this form, but I was pleasantly surprised! I love the fact that I can carry around over 300 books in my bag and it doesn’t weigh a ton! I am guilty of buying books for my Nook that I already have in hard copy. I’m also addicted to Nook’s Free Fridays selections. Most of those 300+ books are from Free Fridays. I have come across some great free books…….and some not so great. The best thing about Free Fridays is that if you don’t like the book, you’re not out a penny! I also like that if I fall asleep reading I don’t lose my place. I can’t tell you the number of times that has happened. Then I’m frantically trying to remember the last thing I read to find my place. I have since upgraded to the Nook Tablet, which has brought a new level to my e-reading (real time magazine content, oh joy and rapture!). All in all, having the Nook has opened a whole new addition to my book addiction. And as I tell my husband, I could have a worse addiction!

And it seems my addiction is hereditary! My 2-year-old is sitting next to me reading a book on her Nabi tablet. Or more to the point the tablet is reading the book to her. I think this is a wonderful thing on the tablets geared towards children. With as much as she wants me to read to her, I would not have a voice if it weren’t for this little piece of technology.  My 11-year-old, however, has a Kindle Fire and has not downloaded one book! To her credit though, she does have a bookcase full of books. So this is a step in the right direction 🙂






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